Open Educational Resources (OER) at John Jay College
OER Professional Development
OER Professional Development
OER and Open Pedagogy Seminars
Introduction to Open Educational Resources
A fully remote course that combines asynchronous work with synchronous Zoom meetings and workshops. Faculty are introduced to OER, Creative Commons, Student-Driven Learning, Reusable Assignments, and common OER repositories
OER Development Seminar
A workshop for faculty who have participated in the intro course. Faculty develop multiple, student-driven assignments that use OER and principles of Open Pedagogy for a class of their choice.
HUM 300: Landmark Cases
A workshop to support faculty teaching HUM 300 to develop their course in alignment with the course learning objectives. Faculty design assignments that encourage students to draw connections between landmark supreme court cases and the humanities, as well as potential careers in law and justice
Need help with the Commons?
Email us at [email protected] so we can respond to your questions and requests. Please email from your CUNY email address if possible. Or visit our help site for more information: